Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Richard Cohen OPed Fantastic Job Mr. President

Mr. Richar Cohen, (Washington Post)
You. You are the one that is lying. Or stupid. If you were to ask President Bush in private and off the record, he would say that he still supports Mr. Rumsfeld. Is it so difficult to understand that things are not linear. Yes, events are bigger than presidents. Rumsfeld keeping his job was purely a function of who won the election. If the republicans won (maintain the senate and the house) Rummy would have stayed. If they didn’t, he had to go. Why? Because the democrats now have the power to make him totally ineffective. It would have been one constant hearing after another. Second guessed all the way.
By the way, I still haven’t heard any reasonable Democrat proposal that would not turn Iraq into the next Afghanistan, a haven for terrorist. That is precisely what withdrawal will mean. If the current Iraq government had the ability to control the insurgents, there is no good reason you could site as to why they wouldn’t use that ability. So that leaves only one answer. Continue to grind it out like we are doing now and continue to train their army. Reason it out. There is no other answer. Winning is the only one. My son in-law to be is over there now and I do not want my grandson to have to fight this war again in 15 years!
Jack Shaft

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