Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why do some people kill for god?

Most would say that societies have people that think they believe in god. But I maintain that there is only one kind of person that truly believes in god. The only people that believe in god are the people that surrender their full faith to the mysticism of god. Their god is defined by the religious cult they surrender too. For this to be true one thing has to be evident. That they totally surrender themselves and live their complete life as defined by their religion!
In societies that have a preponderance of believers, there cannot be any real supported government. Why, because governments can form only in two ways. Tyrannical dictatorships or democracies that require rational people that enact laws based on logic and facts. (the logic and facts are flawed at times but that is the way it functions) These laws will inevitably come into conflict with, and cannot be supported by the mysticism of religion. The result is rejection, fighting, and killing.
But wait a minute, there are democracies in highly religious countries. Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran can be sighted. Examining these democracies show that they are shams. In every case they have enacted constitutions that align themselves with their religious beliefs and in some cases give the policy making over to their religious leaders. These are theocracies disguised as democracies. People that surrender to god will do this every time. When you surrender, you cannot think, you have surrendered that process to your religious leaders. If the religious leader say kill, they kill.
Jack Shaft

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